Well, it's happening I am truly going to take the steps to get a therapy dog for my daughter this year. I am hoping to find a special connection to help her with the small quirks she has. We had a for instance this week, we send Maddy to a wonderful school one day a week which has helped her tremendously come out of her shell.This time last year she was barely making eye contact with other students or teachers,now it has made a huge difference. This week however their schedule was going to change and they were offering new classes in place of the ones she was accustomed to.She became highly anxious to go to school because she didn't know if the same girls she was close to were going to be in her classes. Well, we had a snow day much to her relief and so another week will now go by. I believe when we get her therapy dog she will have a dependable constant who will be on her side and give her that extra boost of confidence. I have met with a mom who has a daughter much like mine and their therapy dog has made a huge difference with school and social situations. I still am going to push and start my program to bring therapy dogs into school to qualm the bullying issue, I still believe in my heart that dogs are here to make our lives better no matter what the challenges are.