Monday, February 1, 2010

Pets and Dental Health

February is national pet dental month,vets start recommending we bring our trusted friends in for a routine dental assessment,This will include checking the gums for bacteria and any problems you may not know to look for.  Also they will check for tooth loss and damaged or receding gums. Like humans pets need a once a year exam to make certain they are not in any pain as they can't speak to us or tell us how they are feeling.You may notice them pawing at their mouth or refusing to eat.This can be a sure sign there is something wrong.

Even if you aren’t able to brush your pet’s teeth every day, by incorporating a special pet food into your pet’s daily routine, you can provide the dental care needed to keep your pet healthy. Oral disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem for pets. Twice-a-year checkups, including an oral health checkup, are important to ensure your pet is not in pain and is not suffering from serious oral health problems.
Besides causing receding gums and tooth loss, bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream, potentially infecting the heart, liver and kidneys, which can be potentially life threatening. Just as the public has come to realize that their own oral health is linked to their overall health, veterinarians want people to understand that dental health care is essential to maintaining the overall health and well-being of the family pet."
A complete home dental care program for your pet often will include brushing as well as a special pet food that helps care for your pet’s teeth while he or she eats.  My pets are now protected through a pet health insurance plan which covers annual dental exams and cleaning. Most companies stress the importance of this aspect of pet care, and support pet owners who take dental health to heart.

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