Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Dogs

    Do you love sitting with your pets and watching them act silly or crazy? My dog runs around like a wild woman after being bathed and shaved. She must like feeling free like a naked person running out of the shower! I love seeing pets and their personalities shine and being who they are. We so often pamper and teach our dogs to be  more like us by putting on clothes that actually my dog hates!  or talking to them as if they were a 2 year old child "oh would you like some more puppy wuppy?" I know I am guilty too I love my dog as much as if she were one of my children. I have now offered Mocha a digging place in my yard to get a chance at being a Jack Russell or let her out to chase an occasional squirrel as the Jack Russell was bred to hunt. Is it natural to want  to carry our small breeds around in a purse ? The answer is "yes" but is it necessarily good for our Dogs ? One theory is if we are going to pretend the average dog is a person than you better be able to handle the behaviors that goes with it. Some small breed dogs become nervous and very insecure often resulting in shaking,biting and just plain naughtiness. They become over protective of their owners and unsocial. This can also shave years off a dogs life because they spend most of it being nervous and fearful and can result in early dog cancer and or other major canine illnesses.
 As a pet lover  and Pet Sitter I have started helping more of my clients to play more like a dog and less like a human!

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