Friday, August 8, 2014

Believing in uniqueness and difference

           I spent a lot of time as a child with my parents being comfortable and happy growing up in the picturesque parts of new England. I had tons of friends and loved school activities such as drama and chorus,school was hard for me as concentration levels and noise did not mix and my grades showed it..
.I felt secure as a child until my father passed away coming home to us after his father's funeral in 1978.
   My mom and I had never been close and being adopted at a young age we never really bonded. She never embraced my differences and sadly we spent a lot of times at odds.
  We always had my dad as the go between which I know now was not fair to him and may have caused many disagreements. I still miss his love and compassion and many times I find myself talking to him about things only he would understand.  
I now am a mother to four children two sons and an older daughter,three whom are grown and a nine year old precious daughter who has asbergers and ADHD.
When my other children were small they had some issues such as concentrating and forgetfulness, but I just thought it was over stimulation or tiredness.. Today many kids are diagnosed with disorders that may explain why and how they see things or respond differently then we do.
  I always stood by my kids and encouraged them to be their own persons and not to let society dictate who they would become.One is an artist, another is a musician and our oldest is working on a bachelors degree in sports marketing.
  I am not sure if the labels doctors are putting on children are fair or correct or if all the over stimulation of cell phones,computers and video games.are contributing to some issues.
 As for asbergers in my own situation, I believe taking a medication while I was pregnant to keep my pregnancy may have contributed to some issues or God just made my daughter uniquely different.I guide Maddy along in our daily lives so she is happy and enjoys her childhood. I don't put the pressures of society on her by home schooling for now,exposing her to christian friends and family who don't see the differences but embrace them. We have found a wonderful family of students and faculty at our local Artios Academy.Their motto is Art,Heart,and well as outside activities that bring our daughter joy.

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