Friday, August 29, 2014

Healing the bullies hurts and hearts

      I want to touch on the ugly topic of bullying.
Why do children feel the need for power  when they reach a certain age? Is it because they have none at home? Granted in high school where my oldest son attended  puberty and popularity ruled. Not much different from when I attended high school and you were labeled by everyone as being either popular, the punks or the jocks.
 My son who was a sophomore and in a band didn't dress much different than his peers he chose to have long hair and  was verbally abused with sexual innuendos thrown across the lunchroom and within teachers ears.
 When this was brought to the attention of the principal and the counselor the boys were not confronted but instead, my son had to write all the humiliating words and actions down on a piece of paper for documentation. It was disgraceful that the boys who had done this had more power even in this situation then my son. They were brought to the office only after my son had written his complaint and as most if not every child accused of doing or saying something wrong,fully denied anything to do with the situation. This went one for three months,fighting with the school,trying to get someone to do something and my son getting more and more depressed.Mornings were difficult as he stayed in bed and told me he wasn't going to school,even though I pleaded with him for hours at a time.
 Finally,  on his 17th birthday, he told us he was not returning to school. How could we blame him after all went on,the school frowned on us,I could not believe how insensitive they were at school and how easy it was to turn a blind eye.
Today our son is a well-mannered and talented young man who  goes out of his way to help people. He is very successful in his music career and we are proud. He  got through some serious depression  with lots of love from his family and friends he has started healing.
 Our youngest  daughter who is now 12  started getting bullied in 2nd grade, same situation. The vice  principal was a tyrant and barely even acknowledged there was anything wrong. My child started losing weight, stopped eating and barely slept. Without going into details we pulled her out at the end of the year with some medical problems due to being bullied and having an  anxiety disorder, she is now in her fourth  year of being home schooled.
    Both my children have extremely large hearts and were taught to love others,they were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our daughter was picked on verbally for being petite. Such nonsense.This must stop!
I work with animals and have owned a dog walking company in my area for over 12 years now. My goal is to try to bring dogs into the school to heal the riff between bullies and children. Whether they have special needs,ADHD,ADD,  are shy ,suffer from anxiety. Also to bring compassion into the schools to show bullies that in a dogs world everyone is treated with respect and love. Compassion needs to be taught and brought back into our schools. Many children who bully are lonely,feel unloved and helpless.Maybe there is no one to talk to about their problems or their day. Many parents have to work today to make ends meet and so family life is on the back burner. I desperately want to start a program and be involved in making a change to end the vicious cycle of bullying. 

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