Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How do you know which pet foods are best?

This is tough because in my experience when my vet gave me a certain food for my dog, I thought because it came from my vet it was the best. After doing some research and finding out what  exactly is in most dog foods I was astounded. Most dog foods have sugar and unhealthy preservatives  making them more appealing to our pets. In turn these foods produce over weight and unhealthy coats as well as skin rashes and allergic reactions.Try to stay away from foods with these preservatives BHT & BHA. These have been shown to cause cancer,kidney disease,pancreatic disease as well as hair loss. Make certain to read food labels and determine which foods have what preservatives. There are many dog foods that say they are Holistic and contain no  byproducts just remember that small print. There are a lot of good choices out there and many manufactures are now aware more consumers are demanding better and more healthy choices for both cats and dogs.
Remember like us daily nutrition and  exercise are key to a happy more healthier pet.

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