Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to help dogs and Cats with winter paw pad injuries

Paw pad injuries are very common in the winter, the cold winter air,ice and snow can be very damaging. Fortunately there are a few things pet owners can do to help prevent paw pad injuries.
Wash or wipe down your dogs paws each time you come in from a walk or if your cat goes outdoors. The most common irritant can be the salt they use on sidewalks or roads to melt ice. Some of the materials they use can also be toxic as well. You can either simply wipe or use a warm foot bath to cleanse their feet.
Moisturizing is also recommended after each washing or can be applied before a walk as well to keep moisture in.
You can ask your vet which creams or salves to use because dogs and cats alike both lick their paws and using harsh creams can upset their stomach.Never use human lotions as these can irritate their digestive system.
For your dog consider having them wear dog booties if they will tolerate it, most dog booties can be found at your local pet store or online.
If your pet does obtain a paw pad injuries make sure you treat it immediately as the pads contain many blood vessel, make certain to check with your vet before applying any medications.
Remember your pet counts on you to make certain they stay happy and healthy so remember to check their feet this winter!

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting blog. I'm a pet sitter myself (almost eight years), and started a blog back in November.

    I walk a Greyhound that wears booties. She doesn't seem to mind them. I also know a Jack Russell who would pitch a fit if I tried any such thing!
